Sunday, November 11, 2012


This recipe is about as easy at it gets. In the past, we would buy them pre-made at Market Street. (They put shrimp in theirs.)  Heath was sure we could make them ourselves.  After a few test runs, I think we got them right.

We love them in the winter, because the heat of the jalapenos warms you right up. You can experiment with the stuffings.  As always, whatever suits your taste!

What I learned when making Firecrackers...

  • I like to use really large jalapenos.  I believe this size must be seasonal, as I have been able to find them just recently.
  • Cream cheese is great, because it does not "run" out like other cheese.
  • Use good, center cut bacon. You want the crispy bacon, not the fat that doesn't cook well.
  • Line your grill grate with foil. This will prevent the bad flair ups from the bacon grease.  We like to keep a spray water bottle nearby, just in case.
  • Soak your toothpicks in water. This will help slow the burn on the grill.
  • Wear gloves when cutting jalapenos. Your eyes will thank you later.  If you want more spice, leave some of the seeds.

Recipe for Firecrackers:

3-4 extra large jalapenos (4 inches in length)
Cream Cheese
Center Cut Bacon

Cut jalapenos length wise in half. Scoop out seeds.  Stuff each side with cream cheese.  Marry the halves again and wrap with bacon.  Use toothpicks to secure.  Grill until bacon is crispy.  Serve immediately.

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