Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Chicken "Bites"

We tasted an awesome recipe at Mattito's in Frisco.  In hopes of trying to duplicate it, I went to....Pinterest.  Surprise, surprise....I know.  These are great as appetizers or the main meal.

Tips I learned when making Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Chicken "Bites":

  • I used chicken breasts.  You can pound or flatten your chicken before cutting into strips.  We did not pound this time, but I may in the future to make more room for stuffing.
  • When cooking on the grill, use foil over your grate. The bacon really fires up, so watch carefully.  We like to keep a spray water bottle near by.
  • Any type of pepper would work.  Use what you like best.  I used an anaheim pepper.
  • Use good center bacon. You want crispy bacon, not lots of fat.  We used the center cut and did not have to cut down the bacon. I used about 2 strips per each piece of chicken.
  • Use plastic gloves when cutting peppers. Your eyes will thank you later.
  • Soak your wooden toothpicks in water. This will slow down the burning on the gril.

Bacon-Wrapped Jalapeno Chicken Bites

original recipe:

8 chicken tenders, flattened and cut in two
3-ounce package softened cream cheese
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
8 slices bacon, cut in half


1. Dab 1/2 teaspoon (more or less) of cream cheese on top of each chicken tender. Sprinkle a scant 1/4 teaspoon of peppers over cream cheese. Fold or roll chicken to enclose cream cheese mixture. Wrap each roll with one piece of bacon and secure with a toothpick.
2. Grill until bacon is brown and crispy on both sides.

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