Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crackie Crackers

In the midst of trolling Pinterest, I found this recipe. OMG!  After making and eating 1/2 the batch in one setting, I named them Crackie Crackers.  They are addicting.  If you are a savory/salt loving fiend, like I am, step away from this recipe now. Trust me, you will tell yourself you won't eat any and will give them away as gifts...but as soon as these warm little menaces come out of the oven - BAM!  The next words out of your mouth are "My Precious!"  ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Ps. Easy and cheap to make tons for parties!

Crackie Crackers:
1 bag of Oyster Crackers
1 package of Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning
1/4 cup of Canola Oil
2 teaspoons of garlic power (to taste)

Heat oven to 250 degrees.  Mix the oil and seasonings well.  Add crackers and thoroughly coat by mixing.  Transfer crackers to baking/cooking pan.  Cook for 10-15 minutes, shaking/tossing crackers every 5 min.  Serve immediately or store in zip lock bag once cooled.

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