Sunday, June 5, 2011

Marinated Pork Chops, Grilled Peaches, Corn and Roasted Broccoli

Heath introduced me to pork chops. I mean I had eaten them, but not very often and usually in a restaurant.  Little did I know they can be so inexpensive and easy to make.  Well - if you get the right cut of meat.  And we can't forget - they are the Other White Meat!

I personally like the thin chops, but Heath likes the thick.  Both can be marinated in many different flavors.  You can find the large pack of pork chops on sale at least once a month.  However, I have noticed some meats are more tender than others.

Tips I learned from cooking Marinated Pork Chops, Corn and Broccoli:

  • Use can use a little meat tenderizer in your pork chop marinade.  I like to use freezer bags to fully coat the meat.
  • Don't over cook your chop!  Unlike red meat, pork chops cook fast. For a thin chop, cook 2-3 minutes each side.  For a thicker chop - 5 minutes each side. Watch them carefully and if in doubt use a meat thermometer.
  • Marinades go as far as you can dream up.  I use pre-made marinades, too.  One of our favorites is soy sauce, fresh ginger, and brown sugar.
  • Roasting broccoli really brings out the flavor. When roasting, use fresh broccoli. 
  • Always use good olive oil when roasting any vegetables.  With so little ingredients, it is important they are good.
  • I like white and yellow frozen corn.  However, canned corn is fine.  Season it up and you have one of the quickest sides ever!
  • Grilled peaches work best with those that are VERY sweet.  Usually they are less firm and come later in season.
  • I use a vegetable grilling pan with the peaches. This allows me to coat generously with non-stick grill spray and prevent sticking to the actual grill.
Marinated Pork Chops:
1.  Rinse and marinated your pork at least 1 hour prior, but 24 hours is best.
2.  On a low to medium temp grill, cook each side according to thickness.  2-3 minutes for thin and 5 minutes for thick.  When in doubt with think chops - use a meat thermometer.
3.  Once cook, plate and tent with foil for 3-5 minutes. This will allow the juices to absorb back into the meat.
4.  Serve immediately.

Roasted Broccoli:
1.  Rinse broccoli crowns and place on cookie sheet.
2.  Drizzle olive oil.
3.  Season with salt and pepper and lemon juice.
4.  Toss to coat evenly.
5.  With the broiler on high - cook for 5 minutes or until brown.  (You can also use a high temperature oven 400 degrees, however in the summer I don't recommend it. Kitchen gets hot!)
6.  Once cooked, sprinkle with fresh grated Parmesan cheese and toss again.
7.  Serve immediately.

1.  Rinse and place corn in small sauce pan.
2.  Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.  Paprika can be used, too.
3.  Add 1 tablespoon of butter.  A healthier margarine can be used.
4.  Once heated through - serve immediately or keep warm until food is ready.

Grilled Peaches:
1.  Remove peach skin.  Cut peaches in half and remove pit.
2.  Coat with olive oil, salt and pepper. (Use cinnamon, if you desire)
3.  Grill rounded side first.
4.  Timing depends on the ripeness of your peach. Watch for browning and softness to tell if done.
5.  Serve with melted brown sugar or blue cheese.

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