Friday, March 11, 2011

Why blog? Why cook? Why following contessa?

Like so many other cooks, I grew up in family that gathered in the kitchen.  As poor as my grandparents were, their kitchen produced an abundance of meals.  Between my mother, grandmother and dad, I learned the basics of Mexican and Texan cooking.  Now when I say Mexican, I mean tacos, fideos, enchiladas, tamales, salsa and tortillas.  Since my father was a "gringo", I also learned fried potatoes, beans and cornbread, meatloaf, and hamburgers.  Little did I know, that one day I would use those skills I learned as a child.

You see, I love cooking. I love seeing various ingredients come together to make a marvelous meal. I love unusual ingredients. I love the various aromas and pairings. I love the way eating good food reminds me of heaven.  I also truly love cooking for my husband.  The look on his face when he eats something he really enjoys is priceless.  It is one of my greatest pleasures.

I used to be a big Facebook'r.  I would post meals here and there with pictures. However, the drama and time of Facebook began to drain me emotionally.  I was then introduced to a food blog by a good friend.  I immediately knew I had my creative outlet to share my recipes and adventures in cooking without the drama!

The name you ask? Following Contessa....well I guess my cooking passion was ignited by watching Ina Garten's show the Barefoot Contessa.  I loved how a cook with no formal training could make such wonderful dishes.  The recipes seemed easy to a simple chef like me.  ( I also secretly coveted her garden and great house in the Hamptons. <Swoon>)

So here I am....the good, bad, and messy.  I hope you enjoy my journey in cooking and that it brings you as much love as it has me.

Following Contessa

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