Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Acorns

Oh my goodness! I haven't posted in forever. I promise I am still cooking, I am just not blogging.  I will get back to business with the holidays before us. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve....I can't wait to cook and try new foods!  I will have plenty to write about in the months to come. (and probably a few more pounds! :) )

The latest recipe comes from a friend, Kim F in Groves, Texas.  I saw her dessert picture on Facebook and just had to make them. The recipe is so simple and they are so cute!! These little delights would be great with a cup of coffee or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  They are also great to make with the youngsters. I think children would find these fun to create.  I hope you enjoy these treats as much as I did. God bless you this holiday season!

Fall Acorns:

Donut Holes
Dark Chocolate Chips
Heath bar pieces
Pretzel Sticks


Melt chocolate chips in the microwave. (You can also use peanut butter instead of chocolate.) Dip the tops of the donut holes in the melted chocolate. Roll in the Heath bar pieces and insert pretzel sticks. WALLA!  You have your yummy acorns!